The Orchard Hills Church of Christ seeks to be the church for which Jesus died (Acts_20:28). We are Christians ONLY and not members of any denomination. Jesus promised long ago: ". . .upon this rock I will build My church" (Matthew_16:18). Through the Holy Spirit the Apostle Paul spoke of "the church which Jesus purchased with His own blood" (Acts_20:28). We at 1630 N. 9th Street, Covington, Indiana, want to be that church. We believe that the Bible is a message for all times, and that it can be understood (Eph.3:3-5). We seek to discover what the church in the Bible should be like in this century. Acts 2:47 (KJV) says that the "Saved" are in the church. Also, it is our aim to worship GOD "in Spirit and in Truth", John_4:24. This is our goal. We believe the Bible is the standard by which we determine all things (2_Timothy 3:16-17, 2_Pet.1:3). We seek to follow "the inspired WORD OF GOD" "once for all delivered to the Saints", Jude 3. Our understanding of the Bible is not always perfect, but God's Word is absolutely correct. We stand upon THE WORD as our only guide. Will you join us in our quest?